15 years ago
Over 3 thousand people in New York left home , went to work , and died there .
3 of those people , I deeply loved.
And thousands more have died as the years past, due to hatred, greed and ignorance .

If you haven’t spoken to a loved one in a while . Make the call – don’t text . Go see them if you can.

Don’t let your loved one leave the house without your kiss good bye. Mend arguments – release grudges.

Hug your children , treasure their existence and their health . Show them beauty and raise them not to settle for less.

Treasure each breath you are privileged to take .

And let not one day go by where you are not an active change agent for justice on this earth .

We are here, not to consume , not to be afraid , not to shut down, or embrace illness, but to resist the prevailing message of this society : which is to be small, petty , numb addicted, and angry .

Be joyful, honorable , passionate , loving , compassionate , unique – and fight for justice.

This won’t bring back those already lost to the darkness ; but it will stop the hemorrhage of new lives sacrificed to pathology daily.

Those who have gone are ancestors , their breath shall be the fire we need to get this task done .

Let’s take their hand.

LSM 2016image

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