Heart of my heart : Gifts that babies and mommas share by L. Samsarah Morgan DD
I love when science after years of exhaustive study – proves something that woman’s wisdom has known for centuries… really, I smile for days..
Today I am smiling as a read how several different researchers have come to the conclusion that mommas and their babies and connected on a cellular level.. This is what this looks like, that inside of me, or any woman who has carried a child, even mommas who may have experienced a miscarriage – still in her body her babies fetal cells! And this is the case even if she has miscarried, or has had an abortion.
Now what is so amazing about that, you may ask? And you answer if found when we investigate what those cells are up to inside momma – the research is showing that these cells circulate throughout the mothers body for as long as she lives – these cells often come to live in every organ of her body, including her heart and her brain.
These cells entered her body through her placenta in pregnancy and can be detectable from 10 – 13 weeks. The cells increase in number though the pregnancy and by the end of the pregnancy up to 6 percent of the DNA in her blood plasma come from her baby! After the birth the number drops of there are many cells that remain as part of the momma’s body. These cells linger and pass through generations – so that we may certainly carry the actual cells of our ancestors…
It is believed that these cells also help protect the mother from some forms for cancer. Fetal cells are seen in great numbers in the breasts of mothers who have never had breast cancer for example. The protection may come because the fetal cells help stimulate the mommas immune system. This happens because the fetal cells also contain the poppa’s genetic information – making them different enough to reeve up mommas immune system and spur her body to not allow the development of malignant cells! The more fetal cells that are present in a woman’s body the less likely she is to develop certain autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
Many of the fetal cells are stem cell, these cells have the ability to develop into anything – they can become organ cells – they can migrate to injury sites and facilitate healing. They travel to points of injury after the birth and restore the momma’s skin to its normal structure! Astounding!
But here is my favorite part, some of these cells are able to cross the blood brain barrier and generate new neurons – this means that our little ones hard wire themselves into our very brain function! Studies have should that new mothers grown new gray matter in their prefrontal cortex – the part of our brains that help up with goals and social control, make sense doesn’t it?
I have always believed that the process of becoming a mother is one that marks the true beginning of one’s adult life. That this process not only brings the gift of a child to love and nurture – but the process itself gives gifts that allow a momma to bring her best self to the process of raising her child. The cells of the children I have carried live within my no w- helping me to live a healthy existence. And when I was a young mother my pregnancy itself was preparing my body & mind to be the kind of mother my children needed me to be mature , loving, determined and physically healthy.
My mystical self wonders about how those baby cells work themselves into our heart and brain – and smiles knowing our children literally hard wire themselves in our being. And this I am sure is one of the reasons there is always a second site and an inner knowing between mommas and children – one that may change as they grow but never ever goes away. And this is why when you look into the eyes of your newborn – a mom knows love like she never thought possible. She knows that she would give her life for this little creature – without question. Her baby has helped her heart grow bigger, stronger and more capable of being a fierce protector and teacher for her child.
How wonderful to know that mommas and their children and always a team – not only during the pregnancy – but for a life time! We give them life, guidance , and love – they give us a potential for greater intelligence, a greater capacity to love and the potential for a longer, healthier life! It’s a great deal!