So far this series is breaking my heart . It’s brining back so much – so much of what I had to go through as […]
It’s not your baby. It’s not you .
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but attachment parenting in a detached society is exhausting. No. It’s not your baby. There is nothing […]
I just want to do nothing today . I so want to be sitting in a movie theater watching some interesting story flicker before my […]
What’s beneath a meme?
Bernie, the person I wanted as president, is now a viral meme… and while some of them are quite funny… I’m sad deep in my […]
I observe that I am much less emotional as I grow older . At the same time , I’m more empathetic every day. I once […]
Prayer on 8/2/20
My soul calls for clear sky and the possibility of sunlight …. Bless those losing their homes, lives, and beloved possessions. Bless our animal siblings […]
Saints Day 10/1/20
Today’s is the saints day of my patron saint St. Therese of the child Jesus. Gods beloved little flower – she lived her life as […]
I need to cry . Not for a minute , nor even for an hour, I need to cry for a very long time . […]
A Prayer for California
This morning I give thanks for my home . My sweet purple house , where I live in peace with 2 of my wonderful sons […]