I often compare my child life to the experience of a solider in battle, or rather a soldier in a prison camp. I was terrified […]
capitalism, community, crimes, culture, death, family, healing, health, history, Parenting, Peace, Politics, Prayers, relationships
Don’t give up. L Samsarah Morgan
On 9/11/01 my granddaughter was an infant , about 7 months old. That morning I awoke from a night filled with unsettled and disturbing dreams. […]
Pick your battles
When someone is in the midst of being abusive is usually the least effective time to instruct them on this… Get yourself and your soul […]
Some of us are very quick to judge – but very slow to offer aid… Very quick to stand by the sidelines, yet very slow […]
realities by l. samsarah morgan
A fish who has spent its entire life swimming in pollution, may curse at how clear spring water allows the sun’s brightness to hurt its […]
The myth of Safety…
The myth of safety I was very fortunate that coming to maturity of as woman paralleled a rather important movement inn this country. This was […]