There are seriously way more important things happening in the world . But I am going to take a moment to say good bye and […]
Birthday Blessings Dr. King (Selma)
I am very happy today. Happy to see the renewed interest in the fighting spirit of Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr. The film Selma […]
Cinema Espiritu: What’s wrong with” Dear White People?”
What’s wrong with dear white people? I really wanted to like to this film. I was enraptured by their marketing and the series of trailer […]
Cinema Espiritu reviews “Lucy”
Warning: If you have not yet seen this film, the following may contain information that will spoil things for you. I have attempted to not […]
Cinema Espiritu – The Miracle at St Ana
Spike Lee is a much underrated artist . He is controversial , brash and brilliant . He does not seek to have everyone like him. […]
The best “amend” in the history of film!
The best “amend” in the history of film! I sit here today as your humble teacher, counselor, coach, and film lover! Years ago, I ran […]