This morning I’d like to show deep love respect appreciation for white allies here in Facebook and in the physical world. Thank you for hanging […]
regarding rabbit holes
After awhile – you realize that the rabbit hole is real – thats whats in the hole is actually your life and after feeling stark […]
Every Baby
Every baby is our baby. Every baby is the future of the entity of humanity! How dare you ask why the child is here ? […]
Restorative justice requires that society look with empathy and compassion on the victim as well as the perpetrator, and works to bring healing to them […]
My monkeys, my circus!
My life is amazing! Its full of babies and laughter, pregnant women and midwives. Its full of children, mine and everyone else’s. Its steeped in […]
Don’t give up. L Samsarah Morgan
On 9/11/01 my granddaughter was an infant , about 7 months old. That morning I awoke from a night filled with unsettled and disturbing dreams. […]
To the officers who turned their backs
Dear New York Police officers , who turned their backs on their mayor, , here is what might be a very difficult thought, so bear […]
For Michael Brown and the other slain young ones
My heart this morning is with all parents who have had to do the unbearable. having to bury your child – is a crime against […]
As we walk
As we walk the earth today, let us be mindful of the delicate nature of life, and of all beings. Let us look at other […]
Lightworkers Lament
I take a deep breath and state that I am no longer willing to teach Racism 101 . At least not gratis. It is simply […]