After awhile – you realize that the rabbit hole is real – thats whats in the hole is actually your life and after feeling stark […]
watchmen needed
The Pope has no business endorsing any political candidate . And neither should Occupy Wall Street. The focus shouldn’t change cause Sanders might be a […]
Beyonce’, the Super Bowl and the Revolution
Sometimes I fear That my people are so desperate ,so desiring for opportunities for personal and racial pride, That we reach out for just about […]
Killing Cuts
Sometimes beign a woman means being one who faces a heartstopping series of attacks on a daily basis. From the direct threat of physical harm […]
Don’t give up. L Samsarah Morgan
On 9/11/01 my granddaughter was an infant , about 7 months old. That morning I awoke from a night filled with unsettled and disturbing dreams. […]
Puppies Up! Children Down!
Nationwide makes everyone sad during the super bowl link to article. What a drag Nationwide Insurance inflicted big bummer on the American public! Whilst all […]
Saturday Mornings
In September this year, an era ended. Did you notice? September 27, 2014 was the last Saturday that morning cartoons were shown. No more Saturday […]